Digital Advertising & PPC

MPN has the marketing and advertising expertise to grow your business.

MPN Media & Marketing has been promoting lead generation through advertising and PPC methods for our clients, from local businesses to national corporations. Our goal is simple: deliver high quality, new customers, at a low cost. If you choose us to work with you on digital advertising we will strive to turn more website visits into quality leads for your company!

There are only two tools to get shoppers from Google to your business- SEO and Advertising.

Click below to schedule a free review and learn how MPN connects the dots to drive the best results.

Our Advertising Process

Our PPC and client advertising process always starts with going over exactly what the goals for the advertising campaign are for the customer. Whether their goals are increased site traffic, quality leads, site rank or increased service calls, it's important for us to pinpoint exactly where they would like to target improvements from PPC and advertising.

Once we've targeted our client advertising goals we work together to choose which strategy would be most effective in reaching them. For our PPC clients we have developed strong campaign strategies in both Facebook Ads and Google Adwords, both of which have shown strong abilities to lower clients cost per lead, increased site traffic and have gotten them more calls from perspective customers. No matter our clients PPC budget, our ad campaings can work to grow your business and increase your leads.

Our Steps

Analyze Client Advertising Goals

Determine Budget

Develop Ad Campaign Strategy

Analyze Client Advertising Goals

Information Gathering Phase

The first step toward a successful PPC campaign is to develop a goal, whether that goal is to increase reviews, sell more furnaces, or even break into a market that you don't have a foot-hold in yet.

The PPC specialists at MPN Media & Marketing will meet with you and help develop that goal and strategies how it can be achieved.

Keyword Research & Ad Creation

With special industry tools we can find the most widely used search terms and patterns in your region and use them to create ads that will drive traffic to your site and guide you to your goal.

Our PPC specialists work with our designers to create eye-catching ads that will bring your content to the attention of potential customers.

Result Analysis & Course Correction

As your ads display to potential customers and aggregate traffic to your website our PPC specialists will analyze the information gathered by the ad campaign.

This will give us a sense of whether we should continue on course with the ad content, audiences they are shown too, geographic locations in your region, and ad display times. All of these variables go into a successful ad campaign allowing you to reach your goal.